Electrical challenge for condo project is meeting load using existing transformer

Location: Austin, Texas

Services: Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing
Category: Multifamily residential
Area: 32,500 sq. ft.
Software: AutoCAD, Bluebeam, COMcheck, HAP 5.11, Revit

This Austin building houses 18 units and a swimming pool. The challenge for the 3S MEP + Structural electrical team was to meet the building’s electrical load using the existing 1200 A, 120/240v single-phase transformer.

The electrical design included systems for lighting, power, and fire alarm.

The swimming pool HVAC system was designed to achieve a proper balance between water temperature and space humidity.

Plumbing design covered water supply, sanitary waste, and stormwater systems. The team from 3S MEP also selected equipment that included a grease interceptor, water heater and plumbing fixtures.

Another critical requirement was providing sufficient ventilation in the corridor and multiple-unit buildings.

With all 3S MEP projects, a primary focus is integrating MEP and structural designs with the construction and architectural partners and the end-users to minimize the need for design adjustments or revisions during the construction process. Design teams from 3S MEP actively engage with all stakeholders to identify potential conflicts and optimize overall system layout. Our teams are exceptionally proficient at harmonizing essential building elements for successful outcomes.