Location: Newton, Illinois
Services: Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection.
Category: Residential
Area : 34,102 sq. Ft
Software: Autocad, HAP5.11, RES check, Bluebeam
Senior housing building with 35 dwelling units located in Newton, Illinois state. 3S MEP + S provided MEP & FP design service for the 34,102 sq. Ft multi-family townhouses.The mechanical team calculated heat load in HAP5.11 software and designed a ventilation system as per IMC-15. The team also did the sizing and selection of the PTAC and VTAC unit, diffuser and grill. Plumbing design includes sanitary system, domestic water distribution system, and sizing of recirculation pump and gas water heater. The electric design includes the lighting, power, and fire alarm layout, lighting fixture selection, automatic circuiting, and design control circuit. The team also designed the fire protection system as per NFPA 13R, and NFPA 14 for sprinkler design and fire hose reel requirements.