Location: Richland Hills, TX
Services: Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing.
Category: Commercial Laundry
Area : 3,600 sq. Ft
Software: AutoCAD, Bluebeam

3S MEP successfully provided electrical and plumbing design services for the Laundromat project in Richland Hills, TX. The plumbing design included the domestic water and sanitary waste systems. The sizing of the storage water heater was carefully calculated to meet the Laundromat’s first hour’s demand.

Additionally, the lighting layout and power layout plans were designed to meet the specific requirements of the facility. The project overcame challenges related to equipment selection, lighting fixture choice, and compliance with standards. The end result was a functional and efficient electrical and plumbing design for the Laundromat.

The plumbing design aspect of the project was entrusted to the expertise of the 3S MEP plumbing team, which gave special attention to the sanitary waste system, which involved connecting washing machines to a lint trap before connecting to the city’s main. We determined an appropriate size of the storage water heater to ensure sufficient storage capacity to meet the first hour’s demand, considering the variability of water consumption based on the selected program cycles.

The electrical design included selecting light fixtures suitable for the Laundromat’s ceiling height and providing emergency backup options with battery-powered fixtures. Calculations were performed using the lumen method, ensuring compliance with Comcheck standards and establishing a single-pole hard-wire connection for all gaseous washers and dryers.